

A Way of Life

Stewardship is a way of life. It includes the fostering and sharing of the resources and gifts we have been giving. You can share your gifts at St. Marks in a number of areas includding: Liturgical Ministries, Service Opportunities,Religious Education, Prayer, and Financial Giving.

  1. GRATITUDE: We are grateful because we are aware that all we have and are is a gift from our loving God.
  2. A sense of RESPONSIBILITY: We are not gifted for ourselves, but for others. We are asked to share our gifts for the benefit of those around us. Like the gospel parable of the talents, we will be held accountable for the gifts we have been given by God.
  3. GENEROSITY: We can give freely and with a joyful heart because of our overwhelming sense of God’s abundance. We become award that we are gifted so that we can be a generous gift for others.
  4. Making a RETURN WITH INCREASE by sharing our God given gifts for the good of others, we “invest” them in such a way that they do not diminish but multiply.

Stewardship Award

This award recognizes parishioners for longevity, service to the parish community, faithfulness, and Christian witness.


The 1st Annual Stewardship Award was given to Mrs. Angela Kenny in 2009. Mrs. Kenny has been a fixture at St. Marks for over 50 years. She introduced physical fitness to our school in the 1960s and has been an integral part of the music program, playing the organ for weddings, funerals, and at Saturday evening mass for decades. Angela has also been a key player in the St. Mark Stunt Show for almost half a century and has never refused to help the parish in times of need. She was most deserving of the award, and as a result it has been named in her honor.

The 2nd Annual Stewardship Award was given to Mr. Donald Scott on August 14, 2010. Don has served the parish in countless ways throughout the years, including decades on finance committee, 6-time ADA chair (with thousands of phone calls made to round up annual pledges!), President of the St Mark’s Senior’s club, money counting team, Parish Council, and Knights of Columbus. He has also initiated and contributed generously to the St Mark’s Building Fund. His service to God, parish and community make him a model and witness for us all.