

Organizations and Volunteer Opportunities

Boy Scouts
Saint Mark Boy Scouts, Troop 225, meets at 7:00pm on Tuesdays in the church basement.  It is open to all boys ages 11 to 17. Boys camp once a month with the troop and attend Ingersoll Scout Reservation for one week in June.  Call Bob Ripp for more information at 678-5658 or visit the W.D.Boyce Council web site at for more information on scouting.

Building & Grounds
The Building & Grounds Committee is a group of people who volunteer to repair and update the church, rectory, and school.   If you are interested in helping, contact Bob Ripp at 678-5658.

Food Pantry
The West/Mark food pantry helps distribute food every Monday from 9:30-11:00 am.  It serves approximately 250-300 families each week.  Weekly donations are accepted and blessed at Mass.  Check the bulletin each week for the requested donation or contact Diane Nolan at 309-682-1603 for more information.

Funeral Luncheon
Any member of the parish is welcome to use this service.  A luncheon will be held in the Rectory basement for up to 70 people after a funeral Mass.  The family provides the meat the morning of the luncheon, and the funeral committee will provide hot dishes, salads, desserts, bread, condiments, drinks, and paper products.  All leftovers will be sent home with the family, so they are urged to bring take home containers.  Donations are accepted to cover the cost of the lunch.  Contact the parish office for more information at 673-1263.

Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church.  The legion has been active at St. Mark since 1999.  It is a balanced program of both prayer and service.  Works include door to door evangelization, parish visitation, visiting the sick and aged, and meeting other spiritual needs of the parish.  Active members, under the guidance of a spiritual director meet once a week for prayer, planning and discussion.  They do two hours of definite work each week.  Those who cannot commit to weekly meetings and active work can be auxiliary members, whose only requirements are to say the rosary and specific legion prayers daily.  You may contact the parish office for more information at 673-1263 or

Meals for Mom
Meals for Moms is a group of volunteers who help make meals for those who are in need due to pregnancies, hospitalizations or other conflicts.  Please contact Julie Taylor at 688-8886 if you would like to help or know of someone in need.

Men’s Club
The Men’s Club is a group of men from the school and parish who hold fundraisers to support the school, and help with maintenance and repair of the building and grounds. The group meets monthly and at other times as necessary. For more questions, contact Tim Cushing through the Parish Office (309-673-1263).

Neighborhood House Meal
Every Sunday throughout the year, volunteer groups from across Peoria provide meals for the hungry on the south side of Peoria.  Groups are responsible for purchasing, preparing and serving the food as well as set up and clean up.  Groups also provide the paper products and a $35 per meal donation to the facility manager for his assistance.  The meals are served at the Neighborhood House on Sundays from 12:30-1:30.   Numbers range from 60 to over 200.  We are blessed to be able to help.   You are welcome to help the existing group or to form your own group.  Please call Leslie Paulson (309)672-2604 with any questions.

Parish School Association
The St. Mark PSA is a parish and school association that provides a wide range of services to the St. Mark community. All individuals of the church and school are invited to attend our meetings which are held in the John Paul II room located on the second floor of the school at 7:00 PM the second Wednesday of every month.  This is a great opportunity to meet families of the parish and school who are interested in service to our community.

The St. Mark PSA has many activities available in which you can fulfill your service hour obligations. Programs include: Room Parents, Red Folders, Blue Bow Tree, Spirit Gear, Religious Receptions, Book Fair, Bingo Night, Trivia Night, Teacher Luncheons, School Directory, Popcorn & Soda Spirit Days, and Concessions.

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul
The society of St. Vincent DePaul, a Catholic lay organization leads women and men to join together spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are in need and suffering. The members, know as Vincentians are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an International Society of Charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing which is nourished by prayer, reflection, and mutually supportive monthly gatherings. No work of charity is foreign to the society and no distinction is made towards those who are served. An essential principle of the Vincentian work is to provide help while carefully maintaining the privacy and dignity of those that are served. For more information on how to join this group, contact Matt Menke through the parish office.

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Sons of St. Joseph/ADA
Sons of St. Joseph is a parish organization of men that meets every other Saturday from 6-8 am to join in prayer and discussion regarding family life and fatherhood. This group of dedicated Catholic fathers has been instrumental in the organization and origins of the now annual Catholic Men’s March that takes place each spring. For more information, contact Tim Drew through the parish office.