Sacraments of the church


Liturgical ministries include being a Lector at Mass, a Sacristan, and/or a Eucharistic Minister.


Lectors serve the Catholic Church by reading Mass readings. This is an opportunity available to all Catholics once they receive some preparation, but the responsibility should not be taken lightly. Reading from the Word of God is central to the Catholic Mass and, when it is done properly, effectively communicates God’s grace and love to everyone in the church.


A sacristan is as an officer who cares for the sacristy, where vestments and sacred vessels are stored, the sanctuary and all contents.

Eucharistic Minister

A Eucharistic minister is a lay person who serves the Catholic Church by distributing Holy Communion during Mass and bringing it to the homebound. All Eucharistic Ministers should be mature Catholics in good standing, persons of excellent character, who take their faith seriously, and have respect and reverence for the Eucharist. It is a great privilege and a wonderful opportunity of increased devotion to serve the church in this way.

Altar Server

An altar server assists the priest during Mass and other religious ceremonies. Their duties include preparing the altar, carrying the cross, candles, and incense, and assisting with the presentation of the gifts. Altar servers play an important role in supporting the liturgy and fostering reverence during worship, acting as role models for the congregation, especially for younger parishioners. Serving at the altar is also a way for them to deepen their faith and participate more fully in the Church's sacred traditions.